Friday, May 26, 2017

Why This Suggested Schedule for Job Seekers Won't Work!

I recently read an article that recommended a set schedule to decrease stress when looking for full time work. Here was what the author suggested:

“So, here’s the weekly schedule I ended up implementing for myself:

Monday: Search and apply for new jobs

Tuesday: Follow up on gigs I applied for two weeks ago

Wednesday: Review and edit my resume and cover letter, as needed

Thursday: Search and apply for new jobs

Friday-Sunday: Off"

While I applaud this person attempting to be proactive in their job search, I gotta say, this is the dumbest advice anyone can give. Applying to multiple gigs through job boards day and in day out is a broken system that doesn't work and is a waste of time. 

These job boards are highly competitive because anywhere from 100 to 500 people are all applying for the same position. Plus, you have no idea who or what is reading the resume you submit. This type of schedule is relying on hope, not strategy and is guaranteed to leave any job seeker tremendously frustrated. This person is not in control of their job search and hoping that numbers do the work instead. 

Successful job searching isn't about adhering to a strict schedule. It very well may be stressful because you have to put in the work in order to land a job. You have to utilize your contacts on LinkedIn, and attend networking events or career fairs. Invite your contacts to coffee, reach out to hiring managers on LinkedIn for potential companies you would want to work with. Having a targeted strategy is much more proactive than relying on hope.

About the Author
Tom Johnston is the headhunter that headhunters seek to find talent for their firms. He is the CEO of SearchPath and has more than 18 years of experience in franchising, search and recruitment, and office development. Tom is recognized as a leader and authority in the executive search industry. 

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